Two participants at the Upper Belvedere, January 2018, photo: Department of Art History

Two participants at the Upper Belvedere, January 2018. Photo: University of Vienna, Department of Art History

Belvedere Before and After

Raphael Rosenberg, Luise Reitstätter, Hanna Brinkmann and Tiago Santini
together with Anna Cornelia Barbulescu, Jane Boddy, Zoya Dare, Max Douda, Mark Elias, Anna Fekete, Rebeka Jovanovska, Jisoo Kim, Marthe Kretzschmar, Kristína Miklošová, Anna Miscena, Adrian Praschl-Bichler, Rebekah Rodriguez,  Stephanie Sailer, Rosa Sancarlo, Hamida Sivac, Mariette Soulat, Eva Specker, Julia Starke (data collection and processing)

Study (2018/2019)

In January 2018 the study "Belvedere Before" was conducted by the Lab for Cognitive Research in Art History (CReA) in cooperation with the University of Tübingen, the EVAlab and the Austrian Gallery Belvedere. The aim of the interdisciplinary team, consisting of art historians, sociologists, psychologists and computer scientists, was firstly to explore the current possibilities of mobile eye tracking for museum research. Secondly, the team took the chance of a major rearrangement of the permanent collection to find out how visitors perceive the prior constellation of artworks through the methods of mobile eye tracking, subjective mapping and questionnaire. In January 2019, the study “Belvedere After” followed in order to compare the two museum presentation contexts.

Radio Report "Moment-Leben heute"
Ö1, February 7, 2019 By Andreas Maurer
-> MP3-Audiodatei



Belvedere Before video