Selected Publications


Fineder, Martina, and Luise Reitstätter, “Gemeinsam im Gehen forschen: Mobile Methoden als soziale Praxis der Wissensproduktion im Design für Nachhaltigkeit.” In Wie gestalten wir Gesellschaft? Interdependenzen zwischen Design und dem Feld des Sozialen, edited by Iris Ebert, Sebastian Rahn, and Christoph Rodatz, 111–134. Bielefeld: transcript (2024).

Miscenà, Anna, Vanessa Frentzen, Jozsef Arato, Zoya Dare, Helmut Leder, & Raphael Rosenberg, No such thing as the female eye: ditching gender-binary categories in art perception, Feminist Media Studies, accepted 3.2024.

Reitstätter, Luise, and Dimitra Christidou. "Alone Together? Solitary and Shared Visiting Practice of Pairs in the Art Museum." Museum Management and Curatorship (2024). 1–21.

Tuscher, Michaela, Velitchko Filipov, Teresa Kamencek, Raphael Rosenberg, and Silvia Miksch, Mapping the Avantgarde: Visualizing Modern Artists' Exhibition Activity, EuroVis 2024,


Boddy, Jane, Hanna Brinkmann, Eva Specker, Michael Forster, Helmut Leder, and Raphael Rosenberg. The Universality of Aesthetic Effects. Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, (2023). 68. 148-170.

Brinkmann, Hanna, Jan Mikuni, Zoya Dare, Hideaki Kawabata, Helmut Leder and Raphael Rosenberg. "Cultural diversity in oculometric parameters when viewing art and non-art." Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (2023).

Dimova, Temenuzhka, "D'une main à l'autre: transcription et analyse des accords chirographiques dans l'iconographie de Jésus parmi les Docteurs de la Loi." In [im]Postures. Langages du corps à l'époque moderne, éditions 1:1 (ars), (2023), 119–147, ISBN: 979-10-97193-07-2.

Dimova, Temenuzhka. "Chiroscript: Transcription System for Studying Hand Gestures in Early Modern Painting". Arts, (2023) 12179.

Fekete, Anna, Matthew Pelowski, Eva Specker, David Brieber, Raphael Rosenberg, Helmut Leder, The Vienna Art Picture System (VAPS): A dataset of 999 paintings and subjective ratings for art and aesthetics research, Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 17 (2023), 5, 660–671,

Fontoura, Pablo, Anna Miscenà, Michel Menu, and Jean-Marie Schaeffer. "Painting Restoration and the Eye of the Beholder: A Mobile Eye-Tracking Study at the Unterlinden Museum." Art & Perception (2023). 1-25. 

Kühnapfel, Corinna, Joerg Fingerhut, Hanna Brinkmann, Victoria Ganster, Takumi Tanaka, Eva Specker, Jan Mikuni, Florian Güldenpfennig, Andreas Gartus, Raphael Rosenberg, and Matthew Pelowski. "How Do We Move in Front of Art? How Does This Relate to Art Experience? Linking Movement, Eye Tracking, Emotion, and Evaluations in a Gallery-Like Setting." Empirical Studies of the Arts: 02762374231160000. (2023).

Leder, Helmut, Jan Mikuni, Hideaki Kawabata, and Raphael Rosenberg. Symmetry as an Inter-Cultural Feature Constituting Beauty: Implicit and Explicit Beauty Evaluation of Visual Symmetry in Japan. Empirical Studies of the Arts (2023). 1-17.


Reitstätter, Luise, Karolin Galter, and Flora Bakondi. "Looking to Read: How Visitors Use Exhibit Labels in the Art Museum." Visitor Studies (2022): 1–25.

Rosenberg, Raphael and Rudolf Groner. "Eye Tracking and Visual Arts." Introduction to the Special Thematic Issue Journal of Eye Movement Research, 13/2 (2022), 1-10.


Brinkmann, Hanna. "Kulturelle Varianzen bei der Kunstbetrachtung. Überlegungen zur empirischen Erforschung von Sehgewohnheiten." 21: Inquiries into Art, History, and the Visual – Beiträge zur Kunstgeschichte und visuellen Kultur, 2/1 (2021): 159–194.

Christidou, Dimitra, and Luise Reitstätter. "Trails of Walking - Ways of Talking: The Museum Experience Through Social Meaning Mapping." In Emerging Technologies and the Digital Transformation of Museums and Heritage Sites, edited by Maria Shehade and Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, 32–46. Cham: Springer, (2021).

Fineder, Martina, and Luise Reitstätter. "Walking by the Commons: Developing Design Patterns for Future Cultures of Consumption and Production in Exhibition Interview Walks." In Design as Common Good. Framing Design through Pluralism and Social Values. Swiss Design Network Symposium 2021 Conference Proceedings, edited by Massimo Botta and Sabine Junginger, 710–723. Bern: SUPSI, HSLU, swissdesignnetwork, (2021).

Reitstätter, Luise, and Karolin Galter. "Museum und Öffentlichkeit: Von historischen Konzepten bis zu heutigen Kommentaren." neues museum, 21/4 (2021): 74–76.

Reitstätter, Luise, Karolin Galter, Anna Frasca-Rath, and Andrea Mayr. "Museum und Öffentlichkeit: Von historischen Konzepten bis zu heutigen Kommentaren." VöKK Journal, 3 (2021): 12–14.

Rosenberg, Raphael. "The Amimetic Aesthetic of Marbling." In The Aesthetics of Marble: From late Antiquity to the Present, edited by Gerhard Wolf, Dario Gamboni and Jessica N. Richardson, 186–213. München: Hirmer, (2021).

Specker, Eva, Eiko I. Fried, Raphael Rosenberg and Helmut Leder. "Associating with Art: A Network Model of Aesthetic Effects." Collabra: Psychology, 7/1 (2021), 24085. 


Bakondi, Flora. "The Effect of Interpretive Labels on Art Viewing Behavior and Memory. An Eye-tracking Experiment in the Belvedere Museum." Master's thesis, Eötvös Loránd University, (2020).

Bartosch, Christina. "Exhibiting abstraction. Strategies in the propagation of an Avant-garde, 1908-1915." PhD diss., University of Vienna, (2020).

Bartosch, Christina, Nirmalie Mulloli, Daniel Burckhardt, Marei Döhring, Walid Ahmad, and Raphael Rosenberg. "The Database of Modern Exhibitions (DOME): European Paintings and Drawings 1905-1915." In The Routledge Companion to Digital Humanities and Art History, edited by Kathryn Brown, 423–434. London: Routledge, (2020).

Boddy, Jane. "Hypersensitivity. Universalist strategies in Endell, Avenarius, and Kandinsky, 1890-1920." PhD diss., University of Vienna, (2020).

Christidou, Dimitra, and Luise Reitstätter. "From Map Using to Map Making: The Museum Experience Through Social Meaning Mapping." In The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, edited by Melissa Gresaldi and Ilana Seidel Horn, 2:1087–1094. Nashville: International Society of the Learning Sciences, (2020).

Dare, Zoya, Hanna Brinkmann, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Testing a Calibration-Free Eye Tracker Prototype at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna." Journal of Eye Movement Research, 13/2 (2020): Article 10.

Immelmann, Beatrice, Jane Boddy, Raphael Rosenberg, Helmut Leder, and Hanna Brinkmann. "Kandinsky's Bauhaus Questionnaire. Color-Form Correspondences between Introspection and Experiment." Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, 64/2 (2020): 261–287.

Miscenà, Anna, Jozsef Arato, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Absorbing the gaze, scattering looks: Klimt’s portraits and their two-fold effect on the eye of the beholder." Journal of Eye Movement Research, 13/2 (2020): Article 8. (SR Research EyeLink® Blog:

Pelowski, Matthew, Giulia Cabbai, Hanna Brinkmann, Jan Mikuni, Lisa M. Hegelmaier, Michael Forster, Raphael Rosenberg, and Helmut Leder. "The Kitsch Switch-or (When) Do Experts Dislike Thomas Kinkade Art? A Study of Time-Based Evaluation Changes in Top-Down Versus Bottom-Up Assessment." Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts (2020): 1–19.

Reitstätter, Luise. "Besucherverhalten – Die Wechselseitige Beziehung von Raum Und Handeln." In Szenographie − Das Kompendium zur nernetzten Gestaltungsdisziplin, edited by Petra Kiedaisch, Sabine Marinescu, and Janina Poesch, 156–165. Stuttgart: av edition, (2020).

Reitstätter, Luise, Hanna Brinkmann, Thiago Santini, Eva Specker, Zoya Dare, Flora Bakondi, Anna Miscená, Enkelejda Kasneci, Helmut Leder, and Raphael Rosenberg. "The Display Makes a Difference: A Mobile Eye Tracking Study on the Perception of Art before and After a Museum's Rearrangement." Journal of Eye Movement Research, 13/2 (2020): Article 6.

Reitstätter, Luise, Martina Fineder. "Der Ausstellungsinterviewrundgang (AIR) als Methode. Experimentelles Forschen mit Objekten am Beispiel der Wahrnehmung von Commons-Logiken." Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 22/1 (2021): Article 6.

Sancarlo, Rosa, Zoya Dare, Jozsef Arato, Raphael Rosenberg. "Does Pictorial Composition guide the Eye? Investigating Four Centuries of Last Supper Pictures." Journal of Eye Movement Research, 13/2 (2020): Article 7. -> pdf with Appendix

Specker, Eva, Michael Forster, Hanna Brinkmann, Jane Boddy, Beatrice Immelmann, Jürgen Goller, Matthew Pelowski, Raphael Rosenberg, and Helmut Leder. "Warm, lively, rough? Assessing agreement on aesthetic effects of artworks." PLoS ONE 15/5 (2020).

Speidel, Klaus. "Empirische Rezeptionsforschung zum erzählenden Einzelbild. Von der Theorie zum Experiment und zurück." In Einzelbild & Narrativität: Theorien, Zugänge, offene Fragen, edited by Lukas Wilde, Andreas Veits and Klaus Sachs-Hombach, 161–203. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag, (2020).


Brinkmann, Hanna, Louis Williams, Raphael Rosenberg, and Eugene McSorley. "Does 'Action Viewing' really exist? Perceived Dynamism and Viewing Behaviour." Art & Perception 8/1 (2019): 27–48.

Immelmann, Beatrice, Jane Boddy, Raphael Rosenberg, Helmut Leder, and Hanna Brinkmann. "Kandinsky's Bauhaus Questionnaire. Color-Form Correspondences between Introspection and Experiment." Zeitschrift für Ästhetik und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 64/2 (2019): 261–287.

Leder, Helmut, Pablo Tinio, David Brieber, Tonio Kröner, Thomas Jacobsen, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Symmetry is Not a Universal Law of Beauty." Empirical Studies of the Arts 37 (2019): 104–114.

Reitstätter, Luise. "Going Radical in Museum Space? Inclusive Strategies That Challenge the Institution’s Core." London Journal of Critical Thought 3/1 (2019): 74–87.

Rosenberg, Raphael. "Vom technischen Fortschritt zur Geschichte des Sehens. Entwicklung als Paradigma der Kunsthistoriografie." In Les usages de la temporalité dans les sciences sociales/Vom Umgang mit der Temporalität in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften, edited by Pierre Monnet, Thomas Maissen and Barbara Mittler, 175–196. Bochum: Winkler, 2019.

Speidel, Klaus. "Figurerzählung, Spurerzählung und das Problem der Narration im Bild. Theoretische Grundlagen und empirische Evidenz." In Kulturtechnik Malen, edited by Meret Kupczyk, Charlotte Warsen and Ludger Schwarte, 301–328. München: Fink, 2019.

Speidel, Klaus. "Witz, Würdigung und Remix. Rückbezug als Innovation in der zeitgenössischen Zeichnung und Fotografie." In Comeback. Kunsthistorische Renaissancen, edited by Nicole Fritz and Kunsthalle Tübingen, 30–44. Berlin: Kerber, 2019.


Brinkmann, Hanna, Jane Boddy, Beatrice Immelmann, Eva Specker, Matthew Pelowski, Helmut Leder, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Ferocious Colors and Peaceful Lines. Describing and Measuring Aesthetic Effects." Wiener Jahrbuch für Kunstgeschichte 65 (2018): 7–26.

Fineder, Martina, and Luise Reitstätter. "We See, We Sense, We Say. Intergenerational Picture Talks as a Visual-Sensory Approach to Citizen Science." In Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2018, edited by Florian Heigl, Daniel Dörler and Marlene Ernst, 30–33. 2018.

Fuhl, Wolfgang, Thomas Kübler, Hanna Brinkmann, Raphael Rosenberg, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, and Enkelejda Kasneci. "Region of interest generation algorithms for eye tracking data." In ETVIS ´18. Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Eye Tracking and Visualization: Warsaw, Poland, June 14–17 2018, 10. New York: ACM, 2018.

Leder, Helmut, Pablo Tinio, David Brieber, Tonio Kröner, Thomas Jacobsen, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Symmetry is Not a Universal Law of Beauty." In Empirical Studies of the Arts 37, 1 (2018): 104–114.

Reitstätter, Luise. "Die Regeln der Ausstellung." In Gesetze der Kunst, edited by Zuzana Bilova, Lisa Marie Bowler, Madalina Rosca, Mara Rusch and Anna Schürmer, 29–39. Berlin: LIT Verlag, 2018.

Reitstätter, Luise. "Inclusive Museum Strategies That Make a Difference? From Easy-to-Read to Learning German at the Museum." In Spectra of Transformation. Arts Education Research and Cultural Dynamics, edited by Benjamin Jörissen, Lisa Unterberg, Leopold Klepacki, Juliane Engel, Viktoria Flasche and Tanja Klepacki, 117–123. Münster: Waxmann, 2018.

Reitstätter, Luise. "So sozial? Eine Analyse der Ausstellung als Interaktionsraum." In Szenographie in Ausstellungen und Museen VIII. Museum und Stadt / Stadt und Museum. Ausstellung als sozialer Raum, edited by Gregor Isenbort, 96–108. Stuttgart: avedition, 2018.

Santini, Thiago, Hanna Brinkmann, Luise Reitstätter, Helmut Leder, Raphael Rosenberg, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, and Enkelejda Kasneci. "The art of pervasive eye tracking: unconstrained eye tracking in the Austrian Gallery Belvedere." In PETMEI ´18. Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Pervasive Eye Tracking and Mobile Eye-Based Interaction, Warsaw, Poland, June 14–17 2018, New York: ACM, 2018.

Specker, Eva, Helmut Leder, Raphael Rosenberg, Lisa Mira Hegelmaier, Hanna Brinkmann, Jan Mikuni, and Hideaki Kawabata. "The universal and automatic association between brightness and positivity." Acta Psychologica 186 (2018): 47–53.

Specker, Eva, Michael Forster, Hanna Brinkmann, Jane Boddy, Matthew Pelowski, Raphael Rosenberg, and Helmut Leder. "The Vienna Art Interest and Art Knowledge Questionnaire (VAIAK): A unified and validated measure of art interest and art knowledge." Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. Advance online publication (2018).

Speidel, Klaus. "Le problème de la narration dans l’art abstrait/The Problem of Narration in Abstract Art." In Flatlands. Narrative Abstractions [exhibition catalogue Mudam, Luxembourg and MRAC Occitanie/Pyrénées-Méditérranée, Sérignan], edited by Marianne Derrien and Sarah Ihler-Meyer, Esslingen: Edition Cantz, 2018.

Speidel, Klaus. „Lolita vs. Knutschfleck. Wie kommen Geschichten in den Raum? Mit einem Plädoyer für Spurerzählung in der Kunst. / Lolita and the lovebite. How stories get into space. With a call for trace-based narratives in art.” In lightness and matter: Transmediale Kunst | Transmedia Art, edited by Brigitte Kowanz and Peter Kozek, 421–443. Wien/Hamburg: Angewandte/De Gruyter, 2018.

Speidel, Klaus. “Pictorial Narrative with Tension and Relief.” Storyworlds. A Journal of Narrative Studies 10 (2018): 1–20.

Speidel, Klaus. "What narrative is. Reconsidering definitions based on experiments with pictorial narrative. An essay in descriptive narratology." Frontiers of Narrative Studies 4 (2018): 76–104.

Speidel, Klaus. „Wie Wunden wirken: Verletzung zwischen Spur und Allegorie / How Wounds Work: Injuries between Trace and Allegory.“ In Zeig mir deine Wunde, edited by Johanna Schwanberg, 50–68. Wien: Dom Museum Wien, 2018. 


Commare, Laura, and Hanna Brinkmann. "Warum ‚Anything goes' der Goldstandard sein sollte – Überlegungen zu Methodentradition und empirischen Forschungsansätzen in den Kunstwissenschaften." In Newest Art History. Wohin geht die jüngste Kunstgeschichte? Band zur 18. Vökk-Tagung 2015, 161–179. Online since 2017.

Speidel, Klaus "Jak pojedyncze obrazy opowiadają historie. Krytyczne wprowadzenie do problematyki narracji ikonicznej w narratologii" [How single pictures tell stories. A critical introduction to narrative pictures and the problem of iconic narrative in narratology], In Narratologia transmedialna. Wyzwania, teorie, praktyki [Transmedial Narratology. Challenges, Theories, Practices], edited by Katarzyna Kaczmarczyk, 65–148. Cracow: Universitas, 2017. 


Commare, Laura, and Hanna Brinkmann. "Aesthetic Echoes in the Beholder’s Eye? Empirical evidence for the divergence of theory and practice in the perception of abstract art." In Vision in Motion. Streams of Sensation and Configurations of Time, edited by Michael F. Zimmermann, 221–234. Berlin: diaphanes, 2016.

Kübler, Thomas, Wolfgang Fuhl, Raphael Rosenberg, Wolfgang Rosenstiel, and Enkelejda Kasneci. "Novel methods for analysis and visualization of saccade trajectories." In Computer Vision – ECCV 2016 Workshops, edited by Gang Hua and Hervé Jégou, 783–797. S.l: Springer, 2016.

Rosenberg, Raphael. "Bridging Art History, Computer Science and Cognitive Science: A Call for Interdisciplinary Collaboration." Zeitschrift für Kunstgeschichte 3 (2016): 305–314 -> pdf

Rosenberg, Raphael. "Verzögertes Formerkennen als ästhetische Erfahrung." In Formwerdung und Formentzug (Actus et Imago, vol. XVI), edited by Franz Engel and Yannis Hadjinicolaou, 103–121. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016,

Speidel, Klaus. "La narration et le spectre du modernisme: remarques sur le récit en art contemporain", In Légende* [exhibition catalogue Frac Franche-Comté, Besançon], edited by Laurent Buffet, 181–201. Dijon: Les presses du réel, 2016. 


Boddy, Jane. "Disentangling the aesthetic effects of formal elements of art." In Notions esthétiques: La perception sensible organisée, edited by Véronique Alexandre Journeau and Christine Vial Kayser, 51–61. Paris: L' Harmattan, 2015.

Brinkmann, Hanna, and Laura Commare. "Blick_folgen: Zur Visualisierung von Augenbewegungen bei der Kunstbetrachtung." In Visual Past. Die Kunst der Rezeption. The Art of Reception. Eine trans- und interdisziplinäre Tagung an der Universität Hamburg vom 28. bis 30. November 2013. A trans- and interdisciplinary conference at the University of Hamburg 28-30 November 2013, edited by Bracker, J. and A. Hubrich, vol. 2.1 (2015): 389–405.

Rosenberg, Raphael, and Christoph Klein. "The Moving Eye of the Beholder. Eye-Tracking and the Perception of Paintings" In Art, Aesthetics and the Brain, edited by Joseph P. Huston, Marcos Nadal, Francisco Mora, Luigi F. Agnati and Camilo José Cela-Conde, 79–108. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015.

Thalwitzer, Mario, Hanna Brinkmann, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Using a concealed, calibration free eye-tracker for studying art perception in the museum." In Abstracts of the 18th European Conference on Eye Movements 2015, Vienna, edited by Ansorge, Ulrich, Thomas Ditye, Arnd Florack and Helmut Leder. Journal of Eye Movement Research 8/4 (2015): 143.


Aufreiter, Johanna. "Farbe, Form und Stimmung. Eine Studie zu ausgewählten Landschaftsbildern Josef Dobrowskys." In Josef Dobrowsky – Wahrnehmung und Farbe [exhibition catalogue Belvedere, Vienna], edited by Agnes Husslein-Arco and Axel Köhne, 33–47. Wien: Belvedere, 2014.

Brieber, David, Marcos Nadal, Helmut Leder, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Art in Time and Space: Context Modulates the Relation between Art Experience and Viewing Time." PLoS ONE 9/6 (2014).

Brinkmann, Hanna, Laura Commare, Helmut Leder, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Abstract Art as a Universal Language?" Leonardo 47, no. 3 (2014): 256–257.

Klein, Christoph, Juliane Betz, Martin Hirschbuehl, Caroline Fuchs, Barbara Schmiedtová, Martina Engelbrecht, Julia Müller-Paul, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Describing Art – An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Effects of Speaking on Gaze Movements during the Beholding of Paintings", PLoS ONE 9/12 (2014).

Rosenberg, Raphael. "Blicke Messen. Vorschläge für eine empirische Bildwissenschaft." In Jahrbuch der Bayerischen Akademie der Schönen Künste 27 (2013), 71–86. Göttingen: Wallstein, 2014. Online in ART-Doc

Rosenberg, Raphael, and Helmut Leder. "Blickbewegungsforschung." In Bild. Ein interdisziplinäres Handbuch, edited by Stephan Günzel and Dieter Mersch, 433–438. Stuttgart, Weimar: J. B. Metzler, 2014. 


Bartosch, Christina, and Judith Stöckl. "Chronology." In Austria and the Venice Biennale, edited by Jasper Sharp, 104–165, 167–251, 253–343, 345–433, 435-517, 519–525. Wien: Verlag für moderne Kunst Nürnberg, 2013.

Cavanagh, Patrick, Bevil R. Conway, David Freedberg, Étienne Jollet, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Sciences cognitives et histoire de l'art, une coopération en devenir?" Perspective. La Revue de l'INHA (2013): 101–118.

Pang, C.-Y., Marcos Nadal, Julia Müller-Paul, Raphael Rosenberg, and Christoph Klein. "Electrophysiological Correlates of Looking at Paintings And its Association with Art Expertise" Biological Psychology 93/1 (2013): 246–254. 


Engelbrecht, Martina, Juliane Betz, Christoph Klein, and Raphael Rosenberg. "Dem Auge auf der Spur: Eine historische und empirische Studie zur Blickbewegung beim Betrachten von Gemälden." IMAGE 11 (January 2010).

Rosenberg, Raphael, Juliane Betz, and Christoph Klein. "Augensprünge." Bildwelten des Wissens.
Kunsthistorisches Jahrbuch für Bildkritik 6/1 (2008): 127–129.

Rosenberg, Raphael. "Bausteine zu einer empirischen Bildwissenschaft", In Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin. Jahrbuch 2007/2008, 177–182. Berlin: Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, 2009.

Rosenberg, Raphael. "Dem Auge auf der Spur. Blickbewegungen beim Betrachten von Gemälden – historisch und empirisch." In Jahrbuch der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften für 2010, 76-89. Heidelberg: Winter, 2011. Online in ART-Doc

Rosenberg, Raphael. "Que fait l'oeil du spectateur? Pour une histoire de la perception des oeuvres d'art, quatre conférences au Collège de France, Videostreams (Francais/Englisch).

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