Team & Cooperations

The Laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History (CReA) research team consists of a number of post-doctoral and pre-doctoral researchers, student assistants and interns who combine art historical expertise with empirical competence. Collaborations with guest researchers from international universities as well as long-term institutional partnerships with the EVALab at the Department of Psychology at the University of Vienna and the Chair for Human-Centered Technologies for Learning at the Technical University of Munich enable fruitful cooperations beyond university and disciplinary boundaries.



Raphael Rosenberg, Univ.-Prof., Director of the Laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History
Luise Reitstätter, post doc researcher, Head of the Laboratory for Cognitive Research in Art History



Flora Bakondi, prae doc The Museum Gaze
Zoya Dare, Univ.-Ass. prae doc
Temenuzhka Dimova, post doc Following the Festaiuolo
Ingrid Holzschuh, post doc Adolf Hitler as an "Architect"
Teresa Kamencek, prae doc ArtVis
Carola Korhummel, Univ.-Ass. prae doc
Xingyu Long, Univ.-Ass. prae doc
Anna Miscenà, prae doc
Seda Pesen, prae doc The Museum Gaze


PhD Candidates

Christina Schweiger


Master Candidates

Gerhard Brodnik, Book-Matched Marble
Ina Ferlan, Film Perception
Judith Herunter, Der Blick im Blick
Laura Lehni
Kimberly Fetko


Research interns

Chao-Shan Hsu
Valentina Buljan
Gemma Bolognesi

We punctually offer the opportunity to participate in various research projects and empirical studies as part of an internship. The collaboration can also be credited for different curricula by arrangement. If you are interested in an internship, please send a short letter of motivation and your curriculum vitae to


Associated Researchers

Beatrice Immelmann, prae doc
Marthe Kretzschmar, post doc



Enkelejda Kasneci, Univ.-Prof., Human-Centered Technologies for Learning, Department of Educational Sciences, Technical University of Munich
Helmut Leder, Univ.-Prof., EVALab, Department of Psychology, University of Vienna
Dirk vom Lehn, Prof., Work, Interaction and Technology Group, King's College London 
Silvia Miksch, Univ.-Prof., Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology
Winfried Nerdinger, Univ.-Prof. em., Technical University of Munich
Timo Nüßlein, Dr., Haus der bayerischen Geschichte in Augsburg/Regensburg

Vienna Cognitive Science Hub
Art & Science, Conference Series on Empirical Methods in Art History and Visual Studies


Former Team Members

Johanna Aufreiter
Jane Boddy
Hanna Brinkmann
Laura Commare
Caroline Fuchs
Klaus Speidel

Guest Researchers

Arthur Crucq, University of Leiden (November 2017–January 2018), Study Eye Tracking and Linear Perspective
Caecilie Weissert, University of Stuttgart (January–February 2018), Study History picture. Conversation piece. Devotional picture
Bahar Akgün, Istanbul Bilgi University (July–September 2018), Study Plasticity of Seeing
Dimitra Christidou
, University of Oslo (September–November 2018), Study Belvedere Visitracker
Arianna Fantuzzi (September–October 2019)


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